Thursday, April 12, 2012

Meet Me in St. Louis

Just a quick note from my spring vacation...

The family and I decided (meaning my wife) to go to St. Louis last weekend.  Being the ever-hesitant traveler and diehard homebody, I looked longingly at the earlier-than-normal yardwork piling up, the spring cleaning waiting patiently and the disaster I call a garage needing some serious TLC.  The thought of 8 hours in a car with 4 boys under the age of 11 also made me pause.

Better judgment (meaning my wife) won out.

Much to my pleasure, St. Louis is filled with wonderful adventures for all ages and all budgets.  Here is a sampling of our adventures:

Day 1

Going up in the Gateway Arch.  The egg-pod ride was a cozy 4 minute ride to the top.  Amazing views on a totally clear day.

Riverboat cruise down the Mississippi with some excellent history of the city from its founding, through the Civil War to the modern day.  I think the images of the one of the first coal-driven power plants (still in operation) are pretty amazing.  Can't wait to run this through multiple iPad image apps.

A tour of Busch Stadium, home of the Cardinals (yes, Brewer's rival, but an awesome stadium).  Standing at street level, the field actually goes down.  Top row center field is sidewalk level.

City cannot do justice to how absolutely cool this place is.  This is an absolute MUST for all ages.

Day 2

St. Louis Zoo...lovely free zoo (for the most part).  Buy the Safari Pass for $10 and enjoy the "extras" at the zoo...3D movie, 4D simulator, train, seal lion show, carousel.  My four year old LOVED the 4D simulator, partly because of the Happy Feet themed show and partly because his chair malfunctioned and sprayed him with water the whole time!

Make absolutely sure you visit the penguin house.  You are separated from the penguins by 1/2 inch pane of plexiglass.  I could have reached out and snagged one out of the water if I wanted to risk a seriously angry penguin.  Instead, my son and I got splashed!

Hippos are oddly interesting...huge, but can swim like fish.

Day 3

Anheuser-Busch Tour...Excellent free tour of the largest beer maker in the world.  Being an aficionado makes no difference (I prefer Irish influences).  The smell of hops and fermentation in the air...

Perhaps the coolest part of the tour, for the Pendletons at least, were the "stables" for the Clydesdales.  I use the word "stables" lightly as they were really more like a cherrywood, 5 star hotel.

Can you believe they make beverages here?

Hope you enjoyed your Spring or Easter Break as much as I did.

(Special thanks to my lovely and patient wife for "encouraging" me to adventure!)

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