We have been waiting for this for a while. Patiently. I would even suggest that we are the "hidden" experts within schools that are vital team members of common core alignment and planning.
Looking at just a fraction of the CCSS language:
- Determine main ideas and supporting details...
- Interpret information...
- Present information, findings and supporting details...
- Cite contextual evidence...
- Analyze author's purpose...
To me, this is like breathing...a natural part of my professional existence. This is my professional puzzle.
As I read the CCSS more, these skills continue to pop up. They encompass every subject at every grade level. Coupled with the requirement to "present" or "demonstrate", these are powerful factors in students developing a "voice"...which to me is the golden statue at the end of my day.
A couple of ideas that I have done with classes (or have dreamed up) that are core-friendly:

- "I'm an expert" presentations or Make your own TED talks
- And The Award Goes To...
- Talk show, old time radio show, end of the year interviews.
- Digital time capsules.
Create your very own "Larry Gets Lost" stories. I absolutely love these stories and cannot wait to work with a class to create our own.