Monday, May 6, 2013

From the mouths of babes...

I love TedTalks.  Absolutely thought-provoking and riveting presentations by leading thinkers in their fields.

Like this one.

I have to admit somewhere along the way, I lost the "childish."  I lost the ability to be fully immersed in what I was doing, to stop worrying about expectations and assessments, and to lose myself in learning (or teaching for that matter) and play.

Our moves towards the acronym-society (RTI, PBIS, CCSS, NWEA...) is a noble pursuit with solid goals behind it, but are we losing our "AHA" moments, our lightbulbs switching on, our sense of wonder, our joy at learning in communities?

As Adora Svitak says "it is imperative to create opportunities for children so that we can grow up to blow you away."

Here's to being a little "childish" today.

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