Monday, November 5, 2012

Take Your Browser EVERYWHERE (Google Tip)

Google Chrome has quickly become the Internet browser of choice.

[I am biased and I am more than happy to admit that.]

There are multiple reasons for Chrome's rapid, ease of use, speed, quick access to Google Docs and Mail, etc.  Nothing beats Chrome's universal ability to sync to any device and be entirely user-friendly on any device.

As an example, I can add bookmarks in my Chrome browser on my work computer...currently a Dell Laptop, soon to be a MacBook.  These bookmarks sync automatically to my Chromebook, Chrome app on my iPad, my son's laptop at home, my Android phone and my wife's iPhone, also running Chrome.

But why do I want to do that?

For me, as a mobile professional, I generally take different devices to different events.  For school...a laptop; for iPad, maybe a Chromebook; at home laptop or my iPad; at basketball tournaments...yes, even Razr Maxx phone.

We are truly 24-7 professionals, having links and information readily available is important and timely.

An Excellent Step-by-Step Tutorial